Frequently Asked Questions

Our purpose in creating this document is to provide information for leaders of Pregnancy Medical Clinics (PMCs) who are actively exploring the possibility of becoming accredited with the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). In this document we have attempted to answer the questions that we most frequently receive from leaders of Pregnancy Medical Clinics about AAAHC. 



Accreditation gives a concrete roadmap for implementing the highest standards of patient care, removing any guesswork from the equation. Over 550 benchmarks are required to be met, each one designed to make the patient experience exceptional. In doing so, your clinic, employees, and organization are challenged to be the best you can be, and in the end, your patient wins as you achieve the highest standards of medical practice

Accreditation provides a framework on which to build solid daily operational procedures, as well as functional and legal organizational structure. Having this foundation in place will allow you to focus your energy on what is truly important – your patients. For the CEO who lays awake at night wondering what it is she’s missing, take heart. Your questions will be answered, and the missing gaps will close.

No.  AAAHC DOES NOT support abortion providers.  By accrediting an abortion facility, AAAHC is no more supporting that facility than when they accredit a PMC or cosmetic surgeon’s facility.  They take no position for or against abortion.  
They are pro-patient in all of their standards and requirements. AAAHC is an organization that specializes in establishing nationally recognized patient services and medically sound standards for ambulatory health care clinics across the nation, just as the Joint Commission does for hospitals. If AAAHC only provided its certificate of accreditation exclusively to one group of people who holds a particular philosophy they wouldn’t be a non-biased, respected, true third party provider.

Yes. If your center is accredited by the AAAHC you will be able to defend that your PMC is a legitimate medical clinic because, as The Joint Commission does not accredit “fake hospitals,” AAAHC does not accredit “fake medical clinics”.

No. AAAHC is not for every PMC. It is for those PMCs who want to assure that they are providing patient care under nationally recognized standards, and debunk any claim that they are a “fake” medical clinic.  In addition, becoming accredited may help PMCs to protect themselves from potential legal problems regarding governance, human resources, and patient care through standardized, nationally recognized policies and procedures required by the AAAHC’s standards.

AAAHC accreditation, or at a minimum having the AAAHC standards in place, reduces the risk of being targeted.  It provides sound standards, solid record keeping, and industry credibility should your center be accused or investigated for poor practices.

There are many ways to achieve and maintain AAAHC accreditation. Depending on your level of need, you may hire a consultant, or you may choose to work through the process without a consultant. Some PMCs have been very successful in obtaining grants for 100% of the cost of achieving accreditation. Most clinics look at their accreditation fees as they do with any affiliation that makes their organization better – as the cost of doing business.

Yes. It is undisputable. PMC’s who have become AAAHC accredited report a significant increase in respect from medical professionals in their community, donors, media, legislators, and the public at large.

AAAHC is not a supporter of the abortion industry. The few abortion providers who voluntarily seek accreditation are then held accountable to maintain those best practices so that women who utilize their services will be offered the same level of care they would receive from any other accredited provider.

From which companies do you purchase your computers, software, phone systems, and office supplies?  It’s possible that manufactures and suppliers with whom you do business make outright financial contributions to the abortion industry.  AAAHC does not.

No. The Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care was founded in 1979 to: “Encourage and assist ambulatory health care organizations to provide the highest achievable level of care for recipients in the most efficient and economically sound manner.” 

AAAHC accomplishes this by the operation of a peer-based assessment, consultation, education, and accreditation program.” 

The six founding members of the AAAHC were the American College Health Association, the American Group Practice Association (now known as the American Medical Group Association), the Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (now known as the Ambulatory Surgery Foundation), the Group Health Association of America (now known as the American Association of Health Plans), the Medical Group Management Association, and the National Association of Community Health Centers. 

Today’s AAAHC includes 18 member organizations representing the broad spectrum of ambulatory health care facilities such as cosmetic surgery, dermatology, podiatry, and gynecology. The growth of the Board has helped the AAAHC add new standards in areas such as dentistry, behavioral health, and health education and wellness, while continuously updating existing standards to reflect cutting-edge ambulatory care knowledge and practice.

Since its inception, the AAAHC has promoted a voluntary, peer-based, consultative, and educational survey process to advance patient care. These values hold true today, as embodied in the current mission statement: Improving health care quality through accreditation.

Accreditation is so much more than “only doing things legally.”  If our only concern as caregivers was to avoid legal assault, then stopping at “what is legal” would be enough. However, our call as Christians, and as caregivers, is to serve our patients well. The standards put in place by this nationally recognized accrediting agency assures that our clinics are not only legal but exceptional. We think both of those things matter.

By obtaining accreditation, it lowers your risk from a medical/legal perspective and gives you peace of mind that you are doing things right. Your ability to minister more effectively is a result of being able to focus on the patient, rather than worrying if you are doing things correctly.


AAAHC is a nonprofit (the same as the Joint Commission) whose model is setting the standards for ambulatory health centers in patient care, regardless of who that patient is.  AAAHC is concerned about the overall health care that patients are provided and therefore, they do not only accredit the facility for the woman who chooses life, but also the woman who choses abortion. Women deserve the best health care possible no matter what their decision is.  PMCs who become accredited are NOT giving money to the abortion industry via AAAHC.

No. AAAHC accreditation will not exempt Pregnancy Medical Clinics from laws that regulate all medical clinics.  Accreditation is NOT a silver bullet, but will help assure that your PMC is operating with the highest nationally recognized standards in health care.

What’s the Secret to Accreditation and staying Accredited?

When asked this question, the answer is simple. There are three keys – Preparation, Preparation, and Preparation. Surveyors can show up at any time (both initially and for follow-up), preparation is never complete. Through operational discipline, constant attention to detail, and steady focus on the patient, ASCs and OBS’ can use the lessons learned through Accreditation as a springboard to long-term clinical excellence and financial success.

The average time for any organization from preparation time to survey usually is between 8-12 months. 4.5 months being the least amount of time.